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The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancement of knowledge no less than to its dissemination. In its capacity as a comprehensive teaching, research and community-service institution, the University of Jordan enables its students to choose from a wide range of programs- more than 3500 different courses are offered by some 19 faculties.














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The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan | ju.edu.jo Reviews
The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancement of knowledge no less than to its dissemination. In its capacity as a comprehensive teaching, research and community-service institution, the University of Jordan enables its students to choose from a wide range of programs- more than 3500 different courses are offered by some 19 faculties.
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The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan | ju.edu.jo Reviews


The University of Jordan is both a modern as well as old institution of Higher Education in Jordan. Established in 1962, the University has, since then, applied itself to the advancement of knowledge no less than to its dissemination. In its capacity as a comprehensive teaching, research and community-service institution, the University of Jordan enables its students to choose from a wide range of programs- more than 3500 different courses are offered by some 19 faculties.


portals.ju.edu.jo portals.ju.edu.jo

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أهلا وسهلا بكم في البوابة الالكترونية للجامعة الاردنية. بوابة السفارات والجهات الباعثة. يقدم الموقع خدمات لجميع الفئات من طلبة وموظفين وجهات باعثة للإطلاع على هذه الخدمات يرجى الدخول إلى البوابة المطلوبة. 169; 2017 الجامعة الأردنية.

physicalstudies.ju.edu.jo physicalstudies.ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

Welcome all to the Physical Studies School. Facilities to Sarve The Educational process. Faculty of Physical Education. Where you can find useful information about the faculty and its academic and administrative features". Welcome to Our Website! Faculty of physical education graduates 145 stude. But my desire to get a seat in the Faculty of Physical Education since my childhood was my goal. Where To Find Us. Call Us: 962 6 5355000. Aljubeiha, Amman, Jordan.

phonebook.ju.edu.jo phonebook.ju.edu.jo

University of jordan Phone Book

عن طريق مكان العمل. نموذج طلب تأمين مكالمة رسمية. وحدة القبول و التسجيل. نموذج طلب تأمين مكالمة رسمية. دليل هاتف الجامعة الأردنية. اي مقطع من الإسم. في حال وجود اي تعديلات على اي من البيانات المتعلقة بدليل الهاتف الالكتروني يرجى الاتصال على الهاتف رقم (17). أنت الزائر رقم :. Designed and Programmed by Web Department - Computer Center.

pharmacy.ju.edu.jo pharmacy.ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology. Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy. Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology. Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacy. Excellence in Pharmacy Education. 4th International Conference . Dean of the School of Pharmacy . Welcome to the School of Pharmacy Website. Schoo of Pharmacy celebrate. Awareness campaign about Breast Cancer and Colon Ca. Congratulations Prof. Rula. IP and Innovation in Healthcare. MSc and PhD Assessments. Alaa Mohammad Al Jaafreh.

nursing.ju.edu.jo nursing.ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

Maternal and Child Health Nursing. Master's Degree in Nursing. PHD in Nursing Programs. Maternal and Child Health Nursing. Master's Degree in Nursing. PHD in Nursing Programs. JU School of Nursing. Officially gained international accreditation by ACEN. JU School of Nursing. Spreading Health Awareness On-campus and in the Community. JU School of Nursing. Variable Extracurricular Activities for Students and Faculty Members. JU School of Nursing. JU School of Nursing. National and International Partnerships.

medicine.ju.edu.jo medicine.ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

Pathology and Microbiology and Forensic Medicine. Family and Community Medicine. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Pathology and Microbiology and Forensic Medicine. Family and Community Medicine. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. University Of Jordan The school of medicine. Speech of Dean of the school of medicine in Arab Simulation Conference in Medical Education. University Of Jordan The school of medicine. Honoring HRH Princess Muna AlHussein received by Minister of Health on behalf of her. The School tot...

management.ju.edu.jo management.ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan - Aqaba - School of Business and Finance

Risk Management and Insurance. Risk Management and Insurance. Faculty of Management and Finance. School of Management and Finance Home of Pioneering and a Path to Aspiration. Welcome from the Dean. Signing a memorandum of corporation with the Cen. Participation Faculty of Management and Finance. Visit the President of the University of Jordan t. Participation of the Faculty of Management and Fi. There are no items to show in this view. Time went by and the journey was not easy! Where To Find Us.

mail.ju.edu.jo mail.ju.edu.jo

Outlook Web App

Security ‎( show explanation. This is a public or shared computer. Select this option if you use Outlook Web App on a public computer. Be sure to sign out when you've finished and close all windows to end your session. This is a private computer. Select this option if you're the only person who uses this computer. Your server will allow a longer period of inactivity before signing you out. Warning: By selecting this option, you confirm that this computer complies with your organization's security policy.

library.ju.edu.jo library.ju.edu.jo

library of Jordan University

Search for Books (Horizon). Search for Borrowers Book. Search for Books (Horizon). Search for Borrowers Book. Search for books in Library (Horizon):. University Library began offering its services to students and pioneers at the beginning of the founding of the university in 1962, providing services to students and researchers through the public library, which has an area of (12,000 m 2), in addition to the seventeen reading room subset distributed in all faculties and centers of various university.

languages.ju.edu.jo languages.ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

French Language and Literature. English Language and Literature. French Language and Literature. English Language and Literature. School of Foreign Languages. The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind." - Khalil Gibran. Welcome to The Faculty of Foreign Languages. Every language the students learn is entwined with culture, imbued wi. Visit to tombs of Turkish martyrs Salt. Who is the Author, teacher or students?


ju.edu.jo ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan - Administrative Services


Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. International Studies and Political Science. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. 962 6 5355 000.


The University of Jordan - Academics


Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. International Studies and Political Science. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. 962 6 5355 000.


الجامعة الأردنية : عمان : الأردن


بوابة الموظفين - عمان. بوابة الموظفين - العقبة. بوابة السفارات والجهات الباعثة. مركز حمدي منكو للبحوث العلمية. مركز المياة والطاقة والبيئة. مركز الإعتماد وضمان الجودة. مركز التنمية والتواصل مع المجتمع المحلي. دائرة الاعلام والعلاقات العامة. صندوق الملك عبد الله الثاني للتنمية. التعاون والمشاركة في البحث العلمي. كلية الملك عبدالله الثاني لتكنولوجيا المعلومات. Prof Fuad A. Kittaneh. Recipient of several distinguished honors and awards and Professor of Theoretical Physics at UJ, Prof. Humam Ghassib earn...


The University of Jordan - Aqaba Branch


Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. International Studies and Political Science. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. By accessing the ...


EventsAndNews - The University of Jordan


Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. International Studies and Political Science. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. First Internation...





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مركز التميز الأردني في التربية الخاصة دورات تدريبية واستشارات. الذهاب إلى قائمة التصفح الرئيسية و تسجيل الدخول. المراكز والمدارس المتعاونة مع المركز. مركز السند للاستشارات والتدريب. مركز المسار لخدمات تطور الطفل. مركز أمان للتربية الخاصة. مركز جمعية الشابات المسلمات للتربية الخاصة. المؤسسة السويدية للإغاثة الفردية. مؤسسة العناية بالشلل الدماغي. جمعية الحسين لرعاية و تأهيل ذوي التحديات الحركية . مركز رنا لتشخيص وتدريب ذوي الصعوبات التعلمية. أهلا وسهلا بكم في مركز التميز الأردني في التربية الخاصة.

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Curhat Sang Mahasiswa Depresi: 8 Tips Ngaco - Membangunkan Orang Versi iQbaL


8 Tips Ngaco - Membangunkan Orang Versi iQbaL. Itu tuh LELE KUning ngaMBANG yang sering nongol di empang-empang yang dwifungsi sebagai toilet. #bwekk! Oke dari sini gue bakal nyebut monster-monster itu sodara kandung gue. Seperti kata gue di atas gue lagi males buat curcol ini itu. Gue cuma pengen berbagi ke-sarap-an gue ke orang-orang yang nyasar di blog ini. Semoga kalian tahu jalan pulang yahh. Cukup nyanyi aja dengan suara fales dengan nada yang cukup keras, gak usah treak-treak. Kemungkinan 70% ...

pharmacy.ju.edu.jo pharmacy.ju.edu.jo

Successive Deans


160; Search . Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. Center for Womens Studies. 962 6 5355 000.

pharmacy.ju.edu.jo pharmacy.ju.edu.jo

Our Programs :: Undergradute Programs


160; Search . Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. Center for Womens Studies. 962 6 5355 000.

pharmacy.ju.edu.jo pharmacy.ju.edu.jo

Faculty Board


160; Search . Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. Center for Womens Studies. Prof Nailya R. Bo...

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Knit Knat Knut: PPK vegan coconut cream pie


A knitting, craft, and vegan food blog. Wednesday, May 17, 2006. PPK vegan coconut cream pie. PPK vegan coconut cream pie. Originally uploaded by glitter girl13. Posted by Knit Knat Knut @ 10:27 AM. Url=http:/ www.pandorajewelryvip.co.uk]pandora uk[/url] Supzannqp http:/ www.officialcanadagooseparkae.com frabnxnel. The silver charm bracelets look elegant besides being cheap and they can be worn on any occasion with any kind of outfit. http:/ www.fitghdhair.com. Highlighting is traditionally achieved by s...

pharmacy.ju.edu.jo pharmacy.ju.edu.jo

Our Programs :: Other Programs


160; Search . Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. UJs Facts and Figures. King Abdullah II School for Information Technology. Deanship of Student Affairs. Deanship of Academic Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. Media,Public and Cultural Relations. The History of Bilad al-Sham Committee. King Abdullah Fund for Development. Hamdi Mango Center For Scientific Research. Water, Energy and Environment Center. Center for Strategic Studies. Center for Womens Studies. 962 6 5355 000.

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Lawatan Ke Terengganu | Sekolah Menengah Agama Shamsuddiniah


Sekolah Menengah Agama Shamsuddiniah. Sekolah Menengah Agama Shamsuddiniah – Warisan Ulama Terbilang Dato' Kyai Hj.Shamsuddin bin Hj Redzuan. Tarikh : 2 September 2009. Tinggalkan Jawapan Batal balasan. Masukkan komen anda disini. Masukkan butiran anda dibawah atau klik ikon untuk log masuk akaun:. Alamat emel tidak ditayangkan umum). Anda sedang menulis komen melalui akaun WordPress.com anda. ( Log Out. Anda sedang menulis komen melalui akaun Twitter anda. ( Log Out. Maklumkan komen balas melalui emel.

law.ju.edu.jo law.ju.edu.jo

Faculty Board


The Right To Prevail And Not Be Second To None. Professor Fayyad M. Al-qudah. Professor Awad A. Zou'bi. Dr Ashraf I. Aladwan. Head of Private Law Department. Head of Public Law Department. Representative of Public Law Department. Dr Saad A. Abu Ghannam. Representative Of Private Law Department. 962 6 5355 000. 962 6 5355 522. The University of Jordan Amman 11942 Jordan. The Page Was Last Updated On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:25:07 PM. The University of Jordan 201 2. Tab 1 of 2. Tab 2 of 2.

law.ju.edu.jo law.ju.edu.jo

Alumni Acheivements


The Right To Prevail And Not Be Second To None. There are no items to show in this view. 962 6 5355 000. 962 6 5355 522. The University of Jordan Amman 11942 Jordan. The Page Was Last Updated On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 12:25:07 PM. The University of Jordan 201 2. Tab 1 of 2. Tab 2 of 2.






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Udlagt og udliciteret undervisning. Betingelser og vilkår. Særligt for ledige. Gode råd når du søger praktik. Jeg har en elev. Jeg vil gerne have en elev. Hvordan bliver jeg elev? Hvad er et grundforløb? Kom på besøg. Vision og værdier. Livet på JU. Udlagt og udliciteret undervisning. Betingelser og vilkår. Betingelser og vilkår. Særligt for ledige. Gode råd når du søger praktik. Jeg har en elev. Jeg vil gerne have en elev. Hvordan bliver jeg elev? Hvad er et grundforløb? Kom på besøg. Livet på JU. Fire ...

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Welcome to Jimma University | Jimma University Official Website

Skip to main content area. College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. College of Business and Economics. College of Natural Science. College of Health Sciences. College of Social Sciences and Humanities. College of Law and Governance. College of Education and Behavioral Science. Jimma Institute of Technology. School of Graduate Studies. List of All Programmes. Student Life in Jimma University. Institute of Biotechnology Research. JU Laboratory of Drug Quality. Community Based Student Research. The E...

ju.edu.jo ju.edu.jo

The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan

Welcome from The President. Members of Board of Trustees. School of Educational Sciences. School of Physical Education. School of Arts and Design. Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies. School of Foreign languages. School of Archaeology and Tourism. King Abdullah II School of Information Technology. School of Rehabilitation Sciences. School of Information Technology and Systems. School of Tourism and Hospitality. School of Management and Finance. School of Marine sciences.

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بوابة جامعة الجوف : الرئيسية

منطقة الجوف تاريخ وحضارة. موقع منطقة الجوف والمدينة الجامعية. كلية علوم الحاسب والمعلومات. كلية العلوم الطبية والتطبيقية. كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية بالقريات. كلية العلوم الإدارية والإنسانية. كلية العلوم والآداب بالقريات. كلية العلوم والآداب بطبرجل. وكيل الجامعة للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي. وكيل الجامعة للجودة والتطوير. وكيل الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية. عمادة التعليم الالكتروني والتعليم عن بعد. عمادة الجودة والاعتماد الاكاديمي. عمادة شئون أعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفين. عمادة خدمة المجتمع والتعليم المستمر.

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